The Bill & Melinda Gate Foundation (BMGF) hosted a two-day ‘Design Carnival’ on 8-9th October, 2018 at their headquarters in Seattle to showcase various Human-Centered Design (HCD) projects supported by the Foundation. Among those invited was the PHISICC team.

Damaris Rodriguez (Sonder Design) & Prof Angela Oyo-Ita (PHISICC co-investigator, Nigeria) showcase PHISICC prototypes, BMGF Design Carnival, Seattle
The team was represented by Damaris Rodriguez from Sonder Design (PHISICC HCD design partner) and Angela Oyo-Ita, the Nigerian co-investigator for the PHISICC project.
Day 1: PHISICC @ the Design Carnival
The team gave a 30-minute presentation highlighting the PHISICC concept and its innovations, which are focused on designing a paper-based health information system based on human-experience – that of healthcare workers – to improve the health outcomes of vulnerable populations.
The six workstreams of the project were highlighted with emphasis on workstream 3 (characterisation of health information system in the three countries namely Côte d’Ivoire, Mozambique and Nigeria) and workstream 4 (human-centered intervention design). Questions were entertained from participants at the presentation which included BMGF Program Officers.

Prof Angela Oyo-Ita talking about PHISICC and paper-based innovations, BMGF Design Carnival, Seattle
Also in display at the carnival venue was the PHISICC prototype booth. The HCD designed health information tools were displayed with a short video on the prototyping process. The booth attracted many guests from BMGF.
Guests were taken through the prototyping process and how the tools will be applied in patient care. There was a panel discussion which was opened to the entire BMGF staff in the evening of the same day. The panel was constituted by Sonder Design, BMGF Program Officers and three other HCD designers. Discussions focused on the design and prototyping process, challenges encountered and how they were addressed.
Day 2: Widening the world of human-centered design
The second day featured a presentation at lunch time to keep the BMGF vaccine delivery team abreast of the progress on the PHISICC project. This presentation was a linked-in meeting on Skype to have a wider reach. About 10 people from BMGF were in attendance while others were linked up remotely. This session offered opportunity for more discussions on the prototyping process.

“Accelerating Innovation” – Discovery Center, Seattle
The evening of the second day also featured another exhibition event tagged “Accelerating Innovation” in the BMGF Discovery Center. Here, as earlier, exhibition booths were set up and the design processes demonstrated to guests.
The ‘Design Carnival’ provided the opportunity to interact with the PHISICC grantors and other BMGF grantees and designers to share experiences and get inputs on improving the process.
#HumanCenteredDesign #HealthInformationSystems #PrimaryCare #HealthWorkers
Authored by: Prof Angela Oyo-Ita
PS – The Discovery Center is running a special exhibit ‘Design with the 90%’, which demonstrates how individuals and organizations are using design innovation to address some of the world’s most critical problems and improve lives (13 Sept 2018 – 11 May 2019)
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