Our partnerships combine co-creative and design processes with rigorous quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research.
Swiss TPH
Swiss TPH’s vision is to achieve significant improvements of human health and well-being through a better understanding of disease- and health systems and acting on this knowledge. Their mandate is to contribute to the improvement of the health of populations internationally, nationally and locally through excellence in research, services and teaching and training. Learn More

Xavier Bosch-Capblanch
Xavier Bosch-Capblanch (XBC) is a Medical Doctor, with an official speciality degree in Public Health and MSc in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (Spain). He is Group Leader at the Systems Support Unit, at the Swiss TPH (Basel). See Bio
Christian Auer
Christian Auer is a Public Health Specialist with a focus on the control of tuberculosis and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis at the Swiss Centre for International Health, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute. See Bio
Meike-Kathrin Zuske
Meike Zuske’s main interest is in the intersection between public health and social sciences and politics. In her postgraduate studies she is taking a critical look at the relation between science and politics and how this relation shapes discursive fields of action. See Bio

Caitlin Jarrett
Caitlin Jarrett, MPH (Imperial College London) supports an interdisciplinary approach to global health. She has extensive experience in conducting systematic reviews, particularly on immunization and vaccine hesitancy (WHO/LSHTM) and HIV prevention (LSHTM). See Bio

Ngozi Njepuome
Dr Ngozi Njepuome is a Medical Doctor with an MPH from the University of Manchester (UK), a diploma in family medicine and is a member (mni) of the esteemed National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Nigeria. She has over 35 years experience working in the health sector in Nigeria and internationally and is active in several consultancy (FMOH, Nigeria; USAID/JSI) and technical (WHO AFRO) roles and board memberships (WHO RPRG; NGOs).

Kouadio M'Bra Kouakou Dieu-Donne
Kouadio Dieu-Donne holds a PhD in Sociology obtained at the Alassane Ouattara University of Bouaké (Republic of Côte d’Ivoire) in 2013. He continues to work at the university as a Teacher-Researcher, Socio-Anthropologist of Health and as an Associate Researcher at the Research Center for Development and the UNESCO Chair of Bioethics (CUB). He also works as a consultant for various consulting firms and NGOs in Abidjan. He specialises in reproductive health issues, especially maternal and child health.
Sofia Micael Mandjate
Sofia Micael Mandjate has a background in clinical psychology and has been working in clinical trials since 2009. She has been involved in the malaria vaccine trial, MAL055, funded by GSK Biologicals, and the TB vaccine trial, AERAS 406. She is also active in the development of other research activities related to psychology.
Design Partners
gravitytank defines breakthrough products, services and experiences—identifying new opportunities, reinvigorating brands, and disrupting industries to help clients create significant economic value and social impact. Their consultants are diverse in background and aligned in purpose—combining strategy, design, and research to bring clarity to the challenges of innovation. Learn More
David O'Donnell
David, an associate partner at gravitytank, has developed innovation strategies in multiple industries and has deep experience in the automotive, software and consumer package good industries. See Bio
Amy Guterman
Amy believes in the power of design to create positive change in the world. She has worked on projects aimed at reducing violence in Chicago, redesigning child immunization records, and catalyzing design thinking with healthcare professionals. See Bio
Michelle Curry
Michelle collaborates with clients to discover unmet needs and translate those insights into tangible, real-world opportunities for growth. For more than 15 years, she has been helping companies with qualitative and quantitative research. See Bio
Sonder Design
Sonder is a co-operative of specialist designers working together for a more equal and sustainable future. We design strategies and solutions, facilitate cross-disciplinary collaborations, and train people on design methodologies in areas of global health and development. We work hand-in-hand and integrated with our partners’ teams, harnessing the power of our diverse stories, while forging alternative futures together. Learn More
Damaris Rodriguez
Damaris is a service design lead with over 10 years of experience. Her passion and curiosity to understand deeper the dialogue and relationships between people, cultures, objects and technology guided her to Service Design. Prior to founding Sonder, she was a Service Design Lead at M4ID working on improving access to HIV testing linked to care services in Tanzania and several projects on maternal health challenges across sub-Saharan Africa and India including BOLD, Lab. our Ward and Group Antenatal Care Model. She also collaborates with universities teaching social innovation and was recently involved with MIT-D-Lab and PSI/Ethiopia on improving water and sanitation products.
Melanie Wendland
Melanie is a designer and strategist specialised in global health with over twelve years of experience in design and innovation. She has extensive experience in applying human-centred design in maternal and newborn child health in sub-Saharan Africa and India. Melanie develops and leads design initiatives, conducts design research and design activities and consults organisations and foundations on design strategy and capacity building. She brings a wealth of experience in methods on user centred design, systems thinking, service design, creative thinking and innovation. She has been design lead on several innovative MNCH programs around care seeking and quality of care such as the Better Outcomes in Labour Difficulty (BOLD) project by WHO, project iDeliver by Merck for Mothers and the Labour ward, an initiative by social impact company M4ID funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Country Partners
Côte d’Ivoire

Effective Health Care Research Consortium
Prof Angela Oyo-Ita, Dept of Community Medicine, University of Calabar

Universidade Lúrio
Dr Artur Manuel Muloliwa, Direcção Provincial de Saúde, Nampula
National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA)
Dr Garba Abdullahi Bulama, Director PRS (NPHCDA)
Ministério da Saúde (MISAU)
Dra. Graça Matsinhe, Director PAV (MISAU)
Technical Advisory Group

Pamela Mitula
Pamela Mitula is a medical doctor, specialized in public health. She joined WHO in 1998 and has been working in the area of expanded programme on immunisation and Polio eradication. She has worked in several countries within the African region including Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Ethiopia. Currently she is the acting routine immunisation officer at the WHO Africa regional office.

Abdallah Bchir
Abdallah Bchir is a professor of public health (Medical school Tunisia). He joined Gavi in 2002 and acted as M&E officer and then as evaluation specialist. Currently, he heads the evaluation unit of Gavi.

David Brown, Chair
David Brown, a global public health professional, is Director, Brown Consulting Group International, LLC, a small firm focused on providing assistance in delivering data driven, evidence-based approaches to problem solving and technical support to evaluation and monitoring of population health outcomes while leveraging available evidence to improve the health and well-being of communities more broadly. See Bio

Marta Gacic Dobo
Marta Gacic Dobo works in WHO since 1994 on monitoring and evaluation and health statistics. She currently holds a position of Manager, Immunization Strategy Information in department of Expended Programme on Immunization. See Bio

Richard Grefé
Richard Grefé is the director emeritus of AIGA, the professional association for design, the oldest and largest professional association of designers in the United States representing the interests of 27,000 designers working in a variety of communication media and dimensions, ranging from type and book designers to new media and experience designers. See Bio

Sandy Oliver
Sandy Oliver is Professor of Public Policy at UCL Institute of Education. For twenty five years her interests have focused on the interaction between researchers and people making decisions in their professional and personal lives. See Bio

Chris Wolff
Chris Wolff is currently a Deputy Director in Vaccine Delivery at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and leads the team that focuses on strengthening immunization systems – the people, processes, products, and financing that are needed to immunize people around the world. See Bio